Aren't the tracks in on a Opera release more an object convenience and that
it would be rather unwieldy to have 30-40 minute tracks on a CD rather than
anything else?
I think we can we assume that the composer never intended his opera to be
split in 85 different parts.
To be frank, I don't really think that movements should themselves be a
separate entity. the 2nd movement of Beethoven's symphony No. 5 should not
be recorded or performed on it's own. The same can be said of Haydn's 3rd
movement in his 93rd Symphony...

But I can see advantages for them to be individual works. In particular
certain work parts have come over time to either be part of a larger work or
to become famous on their own. I can think of Vivaldi's 4 seasons here. Are
the 4 concertos 4 independent works? Are they part of a grand work that
includes all 4? In fact, when I was tagging these works using,
it was inconsistent, both entities existed (at least they did 4-5 years
ago), and depending on the album, they were used interchangeably.

Like I mentioned earlier, I'm no expect in Opera, or in Classical music, but
that's how it looks to me.


> I strongly disagree. I can't see why Opera should be treated differently
> to the rest of (classical) MB? Recordings with several movements are not
> an issue, just relate to all relevant works. Overlapping recordings can
> (and will) be a pain everywhere. A "partial performance" AR maybe can help.
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