2011/11/17, Lemire, Sebastien <m...@benji99.ca>:
> I propose here an RFC to create a hierarchy in recordings similar as we
> have in the works tables.
> It expires in 7 days on Novemer 24th 2011.
> Because I haven't thought the consequences through for non-classical music,
> this RFC only applies with CSG.
> The proposal can be found here:
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Recording_Parts_Relationship
> NOTE: This is the first time I created a wiki page (I shamelessly copied
> from the similar http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Parts_Relationship_Type).
> Please feel 100% to make modifications to it or let me know what I need to
> modify, change or add.
> *A few extra notes as to why I'm making this proposal.*
> In classical music, and Opera, very often, an entire work is performed and
> recorded (with it's sub-works or movements). This performance is then split
> into tracks on a CD. Having a recording-leve hierarchy would allow us, as
> with our works, to concentrate ARs at a higher level than the recordings
> present on CDs. This should be discussed in further RFCs but we could for
> example store the conductor and orchestra at a higher level as it applies
> to all movements/parts. This along, with an inheritance system as proposed
> in RFC-339 would simplify editing of classical recordings.
> *Makes adding/editing ARs easier, faster and more streamlined:*
> For example, at the moment, if a classical performance has 12 parts and 3
> performers (say a pianist, conductor and orchestra), the ARs need to be
> added to every part (36 ARs). Approval and implementation of this RFC would
> give us the possibility to only have 3 ARs to enter or correct.The
> sub-parts/movements could get the ARs through inheritance.
> *Improvements to the UI and data presentation:*
> Having a hierarchy has the potential (as with works) to make dramatic
> improvements in how the data is displayed and presented to the user:
> - Sub recordings could be hidden from the recordings and relationships
> pages making for a much cleaner and useful  .pages for heavily recorded
> artists such as Herbert von
> Karajan<http://musicbrainz.org/artist/d2ced2f1-6b58-47cf-ae87-5943e2ab6d99>
> - Classical releases could show only the parent-recordings making for a
> much more concise list of works present on a release. This would be more in
> line with how allmusic.com presents classical releases.
> *Makes editing recording titles easier:*
> The same concept as proposed by me in
> MBS-3374<http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-3374> could
> apply very well to recording titles allowing us to separate the
> parent-recording title (Say Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67) from the
> movements and allowing us to edit them separately.
> *Regarding partial recordings on releases*
> There are often CDs which have partial recordings (for example most of the
> tracks on this release which I'm currently editing: Les Grands Classiques
> d'Edgar : Encore
> Plus<http://musicbrainz.org/release/f8b78017-9b9a-48fa-8e9b-90310400a84b>).
> The fact is that most of these "recorded parts" were actually recorded
> along with the remaining parts and released on other albums. Such
> recordings will simply be merged with other recordings
> If they haven't and were indeed recorded alone, then a decision will need
> to be made in a future RFC. Personally, we should keep the same tree
> structure with perhaps an attribute at the supra-recording level that
> indicates that this performance is incomplete.
> *NOTE*: With RFC-341, I'm only proposing the relationship to link
> recordings in a hierarchy similar to works. A lot of the advantages I
> listed above are future benefits  but they will and should be passed in
> separate RFCs after this one has passed.

I'd remove the date attributes as they seem meaningless to me.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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