On 12/12/2011 15:57, Lukáš Lalinský wrote:
> Hi,
> This discussion is a little off-topic here, but I can't think of a
> better group of active MB users to discuss a feature like this.
> I'd like MB to have some support for genres. This was apparently
> discussed at the last MB summit, but I don't know details about that.
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/MusicBrainz_Summit/11/Session_Notes#Genres
> I've created a ticket that seems to be a superset of the genre
> features discussed at the summit:
> http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-3738
> The idea for now is just to define the genre lists and relations
> between them. It does not deal with the problem of assigning entities
> like artists to genres (I think that SoundUnwound has a nice solution
> to this though). My idea is to add the concept of genres to
> MusicBrainz, make it editable by users, linkable to other genres and
> URLs. That way we can define genre trees. Then I'd like for each genre
> to have a list of tags that the genre can appear as. This can be used
> for autocompleting genres when adding tags, and whitelisting tags in
> applications like Picard (it can be used to whitelist tags also from
> other sources, like Last.fm).
> Does any of this make sense? Do you think it's a good idea?
> Lukas
I already use folksonomy tags as genres for tagging and I have an 
editable blacklist to weed out obvious non genres. But it doesnt work 
very well because the quality of the data is poor, and I think the main 
reason data quality is poor is not because genres are subjective but 
because Musicbrainz does not actually provide a Genres field just do 
what you like Tags. So anything that promotes the visibility of genres 
would be a good thing, even if we dont get it quite right first time it 
would be an improvement.

If you think of Musicbrainz as an enterprise that needs to bring in 
revenue. most of competitor databases do have genres, and not having it 
must negatively effect Musicbrainz opportunity to sign up customers.


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