There is an issue with the way performance / technical ARs were split
between releases and release groups that has come up before:

and to which I believe we still don't have a solution.  I've just
encountered it again when doing the ARs for Madonna's MDNA album.

At least according to:

the conversion of artist->release ARs does not seem to have been
considered (correct me if I'm wrong).

As it stands, only a handful of ARs can be added between an artist and
a release group (e.g. tribute album) while the full gamut of
performed vocal, engineered, etc.  can be added between an artist and
a release.  This doesn't make sense, especially with the new form
of release in NGS.

Prior to NGS, a release had several release events so a release
captured the same set of tracks even if released at different dates
in different territories.  It wasn't perfect -- you'd still have the
issue of another release because of a bonus track for example -- but
were fewer releases per release group.  For example,
only have two releases before, whereas now it has four.  So a problem
that existed before has been exacerbated by the arrival of NGS.

You can see the edit above for an example or consider what I'm now
faced with.  The MDNA inlay lists copious amounts of data on a
basis which I've already turned into ARs: see the recordings on
What I'm now faced with is the final paragraph which lists more
general non-track-specific ARs.  For example, it lists a number of
engineers and Madonna as executive producer.

At present, these can't be added to the release group; the option
simply isn't available.  So we're left with either the release or all
the recordings.
Neither works.

* If we add them to the release, then they are unique to the deluxe UK
edition and aren't applied to the other nine releases we so far have
of this album.
* If we add them to the recordings, then we cause confusion and in
some cases this isn't even possible.  A number of the people listed as
engineers are also listed at the track-specific level (for example,
Angie Teo is listed as an engineer for "Masterpiece" and "Falling
Free").  Madonna
is already listed as producing each track, so attempting to add an
executive production credit would collide with that.  I also very much
doubt that
all the assistant engineers worked on all recordings, as three
different recording studios in three different countries are involved.

Clearly, a choice has been made in the inlay to make some credits on
the individual recordings and some at a general level.  I think we
should honour that,
so adding them to the recordings is inappropriate.  I could add them
to the release, but as I say, they are then tied to a specific date,
country and version
of the album when they actually apply to them all.

For now, I'm going to list them in the annotation, but we need to
allow such ARs at release group level.

I would suggest that all the ARs available to releases are available
for release groups.  If it suits releases, then it also suits a set of
them in my opinion.
The exception I would make is the composed/wrote lyrics/wrote ARs
which seem to exist mainly because they existed on releases prior to
works.  I
don't think we should encourage them being added at release group level too.

Andii :-)

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