2013/5/5 LordSputnik <ben.s...@gmail.com>

> Tom Crocker wrote
> > It seems that's what davitof thought too - I'm not sure whether anything
> > extra is needed there though (i.e., it's fine just without reproducible)
> Yeah, we could get away without reproducible, but I think we need
> unmastered, because a recording isn't mastered in any way while it's still
> a
> recording.

The recording as a whole isn't mastered, but if tracks were used to make
it, then those tracks probably were. We are trying to say that mastering
shouldn't be the last operation, not that no mastering should have ever
been done to any part of a recording.

Tom Crocker wrote
> > It's odd. After all this time I thought we were all working toward a
> > common
> > goal, but just couldn't find the language for it. But I'm unsure after
> > what
> > you and davitof have said. I don't think recordings are an abstract
> > grouping of tracks because they are definitively combined. If they were
> an
> > abstract grouping, wouldn't any mix of the same tracks be part of the
> same
> > abstract grouping? Maybe I'm misunderstanding entirely.
> > I'd be interested to see the kind of thing davitof has in mind. I see
> what
> > I've submitted as being reasonably abstract, but apparently you don't! I
> > can't really get a handle on the sort of shape you think the definition
> > should be taking, but I'm interested.
> Tracks as in release tracks, not audio tracks. A recording groups a set of
> similar sounding release tracks - that's close in meaning to what the old
> recording page says. The problem is how you define "similar", hence why
> I've
> been approaching the problem from the other side of things
> (performances/mixes/edits).
> I don't think that anyone wants a major shift in the definition at this
> point.

Just to be clear, I am not thinking about changing what we mean, only how
to say it. I'm thinking about defining Recordings from what result we want
to achieve rather than from what they are. Maybe I won't be able to achieve
this. Maybe the result won't be any easier to understand than the current

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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