Earlier a fictitious name like "Mickey Mouse" should be sorted as
"Mickey Mouse", and not "Mouse, Mickey" as if it was a real person,
but RFC 203 aimed to change that.

where that is mentioned, and
where this clause is removed.

* For artist names that are ficticious names, the sort name is the
same as the artist name.

One problem here is that after this edit nothing is said about the
sorting of names like this. I guess those supporting this RFC thought
the special handling of fictitious names was a strange anomaly in the
guidelines, so by removing the clause it would still be evident how to
sort these names. But sorting fictitious names as we did previously is
really the traditional way, so I think this needs to be explicitly
stated regardless of which way we want to do it!

 I see that Wikipedia also normally sorts in the non-traditional way.
argues against it without result.) Maybe this is the new emerging
standard, but I still think you wouldn't find many books which will
put "Mouse, Mickey" in the index, and there are still lots of old
geezers like me around, so please state this new rule explicitly!

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