On 29/10/2014 23:24, Ian McEwen wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:55:53PM +0000, Tom Crocker wrote:
>> Out of interest, does this mean we're getting rid of the distinction
>> between official style guidelines and docs? Or are docs still open to
>> community editing?
> Any moving things into the codebase doesn't change the 'community
> editing' aspect, just the technical process and prerequisites for
> implementing changes and the particular gatekeepers involved in changes
> appearing on the site -- instead of editing a wiki and transclusion
> editors, template files or other code and those with merge power plus
> the schedule of the beta/production merge process.
> It's similar to the style change: instead of a proposal system with wiki
> pages and a gatekeeper embedded in the patience to negotiate the old
> style process, community participation goes through interaction with
> reosarevok, who serves as the gatekeeper himself.
> Or, in short, anyone can open pull requests:
> https://bitbucket.org/metabrainz/musicbrainz-server
> P.S. for the curious what template files look like (which would probably
> be where documentation of this sort ends up):
> https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-server/tree/master/root has
> them all. (github for this link because it has better display for this
> sort of file; it and bitbucket are kept in sync)
I disagree, although one person is currently has now been put  in charge 
of the style process this is a new change that may need tweaking, and 
future tweaking may involve delegating some of the style modifications 
so we should not assume that only one person will always be making all 
the edits. Nor we should assume that future editors will be git literate 
or similar, this puts unneccessary restrictions on possible contributors 
, surely one of the main point of the style guidelines has been they can 
be contributed to my non-coders/tech.

Also wouldnt this mean that unlike a wiki  if we did move to the process 
your are advocating you wouldnt be able to see how changes made looked 
on the site before comitting without having a musicbrainz server setup. 
Actually to me this points to a fundamental problem in Musicbrainz, 
again and again assumptions are made all Musicbrainz contributors are 
coders whose preferred OS is Linux , this isnt true, but assuming it is 
true discourages contributions from the those not fitting into this niche


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