On 2008/12/14 18:11, Avuton Olrich <avu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't like disagreeing with the general direction of anything MPD as
> I'm not a devoper but I really hate our git.musicpd.org direction.

I know git.musicpd.org is unstable, it is striked by a kernel bug
every few days, Alexander knows this and has proposed to move from KVM
to Xen.  But that's not my way of solving problems, I'm going to debug
that kernel bug, and I'll fix it...  unfortunately I'm too busy with
coding MPD, little time for debugging the server...  sorry for that.

It will be solved, and I hope soon.

Besides the current kernel bug, I believe the current git.musicpd.org
solution is fine.  It brings developers closer together, and gives us
more control, and visitors have a better overview and less confusion.

Your solution is of course also interesting, but I'm not voting for
it.  If the others outvote me, of course I'll accomodate.

>   - Anyone can join without needing special handshake
>   - No need to wait before beginning development

Anyone can join right now by cloning on repo.or.cz.  But he can later
move over to git.musicpd.org if he likes.  Nobody has to wait for
Alexander, me or you before he can begin development.  Any contributor
can even send patches to the mailing list, without a public

> No real control
>   - No real /need/ for control imho
> Not really under the musicpd.org umbrella
>   - Is this /really/ a con?

Agree, it's more like "nice to have".  I enjoy that.

And I enjoy that we can simply mirror other projects with a cronjob,
even svn projects thanks to Eric's excellent git-svn tool.  Always
having a mirror with full history might encourage others to pick up
orphaned projects - that's one major problem of MPD: too many
one-person projects which are orphaned some day, and people create
clones instead of reusing existing code, resulting in too many
pre-alpha stage experimental clients.


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