Happy new year all,

I wanted to work on updating copyright notices for the new year (yeah,
yeah, I don't have plans to do anything ;)). So Max, please pull the


The last one is touchy and we may need to get some feedback on this. I
changed all authors copyrights to (C) 2004-2009 The MPD Project, as
there are many different authors and maintainers. This may upset some
folks who may be touchy who may look at this as me stripping their
copyright from the header, which is not my intention. The facts are
setup in git repos forever. They're not going anywhere, nor is the
history thereof. OTOH, do we need, want, permission to reassign to
this "The MPD project"? Do we just want to strip it completely as is
done in many projects?

In linux: Usually done per file, kept to one person who authored the
file in the beginning, sometimes changed.
In firefox: A huge license block with the history of the entire file.
In apache: Shows nothing but a small snippet of the license and a link to it.

Personally, I think the apache route is the most reasonable, but I
don't want to offend anyone by "stripping" their copyright off the
top. What do we think?


(btw- the exhaustion of thinking of this caused me to hold off on the
mpd repo ;))
|  (\_/)  This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny
| (='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
| (")_(") world domination.

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