Hello all! I came up with an idea after reading
. I hate those incompetent mastering engineers (or those poor forced
mastering engineers) who apply too much compression to every album and
song nowadays. I thought that instead of trying to force new tag to
ID3 or something, it would be easier to add some user defined tags to
mpd sticky database. It could have lots of uses, for example:

1) A user subscibes some feeds with ogg/mp3/etc and some script
automatically adds them to playlist and tags them with source:rss tag
or something. Now when the user had a rough day and is bashing his
head to the wall, he doesn't want to hear the latest changelog of
linux kernel read by festival. Instead he wants to skip those and
listen to only heavy metal :P

2) I personally would like to tag those horrible pieces of "art" and
skip those at least when I'm listening with headphones.

There could be more uses to this feature, I don't know. Of course this
*could* be done with playlists, but I think that is quite a big job.

Please tell your opinions.

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