>> >> I've got Best working after switching from oss to alsa in audio_output.
>> >
>> > I cannot imagine how OSS or ALSA could have any impact on the
>> > resampler.  Can you give me an oprofile report of both configurations?
>> > I'm curious who is really wasting all those CPU cycles.
>> I've installed oprofile.  Can you tell me how you'd like it to be run
>> to get the info you need?
> Start playing in MPD, start oprofile, wait a minute, then stop
> oprofile.  Generate a report with "opreport -g --symbols".  Clear the
> oprofile data, and repeat with OSS.
> If you can, specify a vmlinux image when starting oprofile, because
> that allows oprofile to list details within the kernel.
> Max

I've moved upsampling duties from mpd to dmix with the following in

defaults.pcm.rate_converter "samplerate_best"
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024
slave {
pcm "hw:0,0"
format S24_3LE
rate 96000

but the mpd process still uses almost 100% CPU according to top.
Should the mpd process be the one using all the CPU even though dmix
is the one resampling?  Another confusing thing is I tried playing the
same file with mplayer and almost no CPU is used although it is also
going through dmix.

Does this behavior make sense?  Is an oprofile report necessary here?

- Grant

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