Hi all,

I have installed mpd on a FreeBSD 7.2 pc, in which the local encoding
is ISO-8859-1.  Directories and filenames for my Music directories
display fine, i.e. with correct foreign characters, on xterm.  For
instance, using "ls" on an album directory gives:

01 - Creuza de Mä.mp3
02 - Prinçesa.mp3
03 - Khorakhané.mp3

I edited the ~/.mpdconf file to specify:

filesystem_charset      "ISO-8859-1"

However, when I create the database (mpd --create-db)  and inspect it
(~/.mpd/database), I find, for instance:

key: 01 - Creuza de Mä.mp3
key: 02 - Prinçesa.mp3
key: 03 - Khorakhané.mp3

from which it is clear that mpd did not recognized the input encoding
correctly or, alternatively, it decided anyway to show it as if it was
UTF-8  (and indeed, the above garbled text is the same that I obtain
with the unix conversion command:

   ls | iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8

What gives?  Is there anything that I am glaringly missing??

thank you in advance for any clarification and for developing such a
great software


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