/* pos = current frame. */
        pos = 0;
        /* number of frames can be played with the current AY register.*/
        left = 0;
        rate = audio_format.channels * ( audio_format.bits / 8 );
        /*number of frames played.*/
        donow = 0;
                stream = sndbuf;
                /* fill partialy sound buffer frame by frame.
                    need is the number of frames remaining.*/
                for ( need = SNDNEED ; need > 0 ; need -= donow )
                        if ( left > 0 )
                                /* stream current frame. */
                                donow = ( need > left ) ? left : need;
                                left -= donow;
                                stream = ayemu_gen_sound ( &ay ,
(char*)stream , donow * rate );
                                /* get next frame clean buffer. */
                                if ( pos++ > vtx->frames )
                                        end = 1;
                                        donow = need;
                                        memset (stream , 0 , donow*rate );
                                        /* get current frame and unpack data. */
                                        ayemu_vtx_getframe ( vtx , pos
,  regs );
                                        /* left =
audio_frequency/player_frequency ??? */
                                        left = 44100 / vtx->playerFreq;
                                        ayemu_set_regs ( &ay , regs );
                                        donow = 0;

Thats all i can know.
Now its simple, you need more informations about weirds operations?
need more informations about his working, you have 2 solutions, either
you studying under AY/YM sound chip or you simply forget this plugin.
I've contacted the author about these weird operations and i'm waiting
reply since yesturday.

2009/11/3, Max Kellermann <m...@duempel.org>:
> On 2009/11/03 16:10, kernel error <k3rn3l.3r...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> After take a lookt at source code, I'm guessing the code doen't fill
>> completly the buffer, it fill only a part of song frame by frame, so
>> thats an essential part of code, i can't remove this loop.
> Stop guessing.
> - I don't see any "frame by frame" code, please point me to it.
> - what is the meaning of "need", "donow", "left", "pos"?
> - why does the loop call memset()?  Why does it generate zeroes after
>   the end of the song?
> - why does the loop alternate between two states?  (gen_sound and
>   getframe)  Why not just call these two sequentially?
> - what if ayemu_gen_sound() generates less than the specified number
>   of bytes?
> - "44100 / vtx->playerFreq" what does that formula do?


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