Hi Max,

I have few patches pending to merge. One is fixing old libFLAC API, one
fixes new bug you've intoduced by the audio format bits change and one is
just cosmetic.
Also I wanted to discuss some issues regarding ffmpeg encoder and ffmpeg
input stream implementation.

Currently there is no way of implementing input stream plugin which supports
more than one protocol.
For input stream plugin using the ffmpeg's virtual file layer this its
needed. FFmpeg can add support
for those protocols: gopher:// http:// pipe:// rtp:// tcp:// udp:// i'm
mostly interested in the rtp but maybe also others can be useful.

I've also implemented a ffmpeg encoder but its not easy for configuration
and supports only 16bit signed integer format.
In theory this could be used by some twisted minds to stream WMA or anything
else ffmpeg can encode and multiplex to some container.
Problem is that many of the streams ffmpeg can produce i was unable to play
as a http stream only when i saved the stream with correct
extension. I think problem is that encoder cant tell to output plugin the
right mime type to use.


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