There never came on you battle or strait, but I would plunge into it for
your sake, and for that of the Fenians. Therefore I swear, O Fionn, that
thou shalt not get me for nothing.' 'Diarmid speaks truth,' said Oscar.
'Grant him, I pray you, mercy and forgiveness.' [Illustration: Diarmid &
Grania in the Quicken Tree] 'I will not,' answered Fionn, 'till he has
paid for every slight put upon me.' 'It is a foul shame in thee to say
that,' said Oscar, 'and I pledge the word of a soldier that unless the
heavens fall upon me or the earth opens under my feet, I will not suffer
you nor your Fenians to strike him a single blow, and I will take him
under my protection, and keep him safe in spite of you all. Therefore, O
Diarmid, come down out of the tree, since Fionn will not grant you
mercy. 'I will pledge that no evil will come to you to-day.' So Diarmid
rose, and stood upon the

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