Tage of the Union armies and steadily to augment them. At the close of
the war, the Union had on foot a million men with an enrolled reserve of
two millions and a half, subject to call. * The battle over conscription
in England was anticipated in America sixty-four years ago. Bagot says
that the average British point of view may be expressed thus: "What I am
sayin' is this here as I was a sayin' yesterday." The Anglo-Saxon mind
is much the same the world over. In America, today, the enemies of
effective military organization would do well to search the arguments of
their skillful predecessors in 1888, who fought to the last ditch for a
military system that would make inescapable "peace at any price." For
the modern believers in conscription, one of their best bits of
political thunder is still the defense of it by Lincoln. The Act
provided for a complete military census, for which purpose the country
was divided into enrollment districts. Every able-bodied male citizen,
or intending citizen, between the ages of twenty and forty-five, unless
exempted for certain specified reasons, was to be enrolled as a member
of the national forces; these forces were to be called to the
colors--"drafted," the term was--as the Government found need of them;
each successive draft was to be apportioned among the districts in the
ratio of the military population, and the number required was to be
drawn by lot; if the district raised its quota voluntarily, no draft
would be made; any drafted man could offer a substitute or could
purchase his discharge for three hundred dollars. The latter provision
especially was condemned by Stanton. It was seized upon by demagogues as
a device for giving rich men an advantage over poor men. American

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