>Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 11:18:51 -0800
>From: Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com>
>Subject: Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] does not support format 16: Invalid
>       argument
>To: musicpd-dev-team@lists.sourceforge.net
>       <49bf44f10912301118j553bb983x96bdbddb449dc...@mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

>> When I specify the following:
>> device "hw:0,0"
>> my DAC fails with:
>> output: Failed to open "Wavelength Proton" [alsa]: ALSA device 
>> "hw:0,0" does not support format 16: Invalid argument
>> I get the same message with "24:" substituted for "16:" if I try to 
>> play a 24-bit file. ?Does this look like an mpd problem, or a problem 
>> with my DAC? ?It supports both 16-bit and 24-bit playback.
>> - Grant
> I switched to the default device in mpd, wrote an ALSA asound.conf 
> that is equivalent to hw:0,0, and I get the same results as above. ?I 
> think this means there is a problem with the DAC as opposed to mpd.
> Does that sound right?
> - Grant

>The manufacturer of the DAC has assured me that it enumerates perfectly and
without error with both >Mac and Windows.  Is this an ALSA issue?

>- Grant 

MPD works fine with the Wavelength dacs at 16 and 24 bit depths. At sample
rates to 96K. Use the following:

# An example of an ALSA output:
audio_output {
        type            "alsa"
        name            "USB"
        device          "plughw:0"      # optional
#       format          "44100:16:2"    # optional
#       mixer_device    "default"       # optional
#       mixer_control   "Master"                # optional
#       mixer_index     "0"             # optional

You use plughw: to change the 32 bit data to the 24 bit format for the audio
interface. You must have a recent version of Alsa installed, 1.0.21 or
later. This is does not use upsampling. You can do that by playing with the
format command. You must make sure that you have Alsa built with the sample
rate converters. I believe you can specify the converter in MPD. This will
go around pulse audio and all of those things. It will also take control of
the audio and not share (which is what I think you want).  

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