>>> When I specify the following:
>>> device "hw:0,0"
>>> my DAC fails with:
>>> output: Failed to open "Wavelength Proton" [alsa]: ALSA device
>>> "hw:0,0" does not support format 16: Invalid argument
>>> I get the same message with "24:" substituted for "16:" if I try to
>>> play a 24-bit file. ?Does this look like an mpd problem, or a problem
>>> with my DAC? ?It supports both 16-bit and 24-bit playback.
>>> - Grant
>> I switched to the default device in mpd, wrote an ALSA asound.conf
>> that is equivalent to hw:0,0, and I get the same results as above. ?I
>> think this means there is a problem with the DAC as opposed to mpd.
>> Does that sound right?
>> - Grant
>>The manufacturer of the DAC has assured me that it enumerates perfectly and
> without error with both >Mac and Windows.  Is this an ALSA issue?
>>- Grant
> MPD works fine with the Wavelength dacs at 16 and 24 bit depths. At sample
> rates to 96K. Use the following:
> # An example of an ALSA output:
> #
> audio_output {
>        type            "alsa"
>        name            "USB"
>        device          "plughw:0"      # optional
> #       format          "44100:16:2"    # optional
> #       mixer_device    "default"       # optional
> #       mixer_control   "Master"                # optional
> #       mixer_index     "0"             # optional
> }
> #
> You use plughw: to change the 32 bit data to the 24 bit format for the audio
> interface. You must have a recent version of Alsa installed, 1.0.21 or
> later. This is does not use upsampling. You can do that by playing with the
> format command. You must make sure that you have Alsa built with the sample
> rate converters. I believe you can specify the converter in MPD. This will
> go around pulse audio and all of those things. It will also take control of
> the audio and not share (which is what I think you want).

Thanks for that.  I was confused as to why plughw was working and hw
was not.  I see now that the DAC needs the format converted to
S24_3LE, which plug does.  I wonder if that conversion degrades the
signal at all?

I'm actually sticking with the default device, but I wrote this which
is equivalent to plughw:

# cat /etc/asound.conf
pcm.!default {
        type plug
        slave.pcm hw

This way, I don't need to define "plughw:0,0" for all the different
audio apps on my system.  The DAC supports 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96.

- Grant

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