On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 20:34:20 -0600 (CST), J Yunke <yu...@productivity.org>
> Hi Tim --
>    Feel free to send me away to documentation, etc.  I appreciate your 
> time.
>    I saw your name in a posting relating to FLAC crossfading with MPD.
>    Crossfading in various player/stream software has always bugged me;
>    what
> I'd rather have is what the Foobar Continuator plug-in (which is hard to

> find ) does -- which is overlap and (lightly) fade in the next song at
> end of the previous song.
>    Any suggestions on how to get this behavior in MPD?
> -- Justin

Hi Justin,
I too dislike crossfading and I started the MixRamp project on sourceforge
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/mixramp) to try to get music players to
adopt a tagged based approach to doing intelligent transitions. The
Sourceforge project has some code to generate MixRamp tags for FLAC and MP3
files. You will need to tag all your music files to get this to work. You
can easily remove the tags but you might just want to play with some copies
to start with. It requires metaflac and eyeD3 to add the tags.

To use the tags requires changes to the music player. I've only done
patches for MPD since that is what I use. Patches are available at:


The patches are for the Git trunk version of MPD. The patches for
libmpdclient and mpc are quite stable and functional. The patch for mpd is
less stable as mpd itself changes quite often. At present the mpd patch is
quite ugly and wouldn't get merged and I'm thinking of rewriting it as it
fails to mix sometimes.

Once you've patched and started mpd you need to "mpc mixrampdelay 0.5" or
any number not less than zero to enable mixing.
Setting the threshold for mixing is done with "mpc mixrampdb -15.0" or
whatever level works best for you and your music.
If the music files don't have MixRamp tags it falls back to whatever
crossfading setting you have. Note that if crossfading doesn't work neither
will MixRamp transitions (if you have music at different sample rates and
sizes). I set MPD to CD rates globally using audio_output_format
"44100:16:2" in the config files otherwise MP3 files are 24 bit and FLAC
are 16 bit.

I'll endeavour to keep the patches up to date but I'm busy at weekends.


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