On 2011/09/27 02:44, Tim Hughes <t...@twistedfury.com> wrote:
> Anyway, it's not quite perfect since I can manage to segfault mpd
> quite easily with the random version I picked up and I haven't tried
> out multi-raop yet, but as mpd is by far the most promising solution
> for the perfect music setup I thought I'd offer to help with testing
> raop support if that'd be useful?

Wow!  From seeing our RAOP code, I did not think it would work at all.
I spent several long nights on fixing the most obvious problems, but
it's still by far the worst code MPD ever had (that's why it's
not documented, and disabled by default at compile time).

Submit bug reports for any problem that you encounter.  For segfaults,
I need the full backtrace of all threads.


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