On Fri, 2011-12-09 at 15:04 +0100, Max Kellermann wrote:
> On 2011/12/09 14:55, Jurgen Kramer <gtmkra...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > There are now several DACs which support native DSD plackback using the
> > 'dCS DSD' spec. I've crafted a mpd decoder module, based on the
> > dsdiff_decoder_pluging and dsd2pcm available in svn, which outputs
> > packed DSD. But now I wondering how to go forward with this and get my
> > code integrated into mpd.
> Hi Jurgen,
> so what you did was remove the dsdiff_decode_chunk() calls from the
> plugin?  Or was there anything else?

Hi Max,

In de dsdiff_decode_chunk function I made some adjustments to buffer
sizes and instead of calling dsd2pcm_translate I've created a
dsdnative_translate call. There are some other minor things in
dsdiff_decoder_plugin.c to accommodate packed DSD output.
I think it would be easy to let both native and dsd2pcm coexist in

> > Shall I expend the current dsdiff_decoder_pluging/dsd2pcm code and
> > add a decoder configuration option so the user can select native or
> > dsd2pcm output? Or add a new decoder? [this is what I currently have
> > as a test case]
> For real DSD playback support, one needs to add a new sample_format to
> audio_format.h (including the string parser/formatter), hook
> dsd2pcm_translate() into the PCM conversion library to allow
> conversion from DSD to any PCM format.
> When that is done, add support for that new format to an output
> plugin.  If the capability is not available in the driver, the output
> plugin should probe for another sample format, and let the
> convert_filter_plugin do the conversion.

OK, I think I have some work/research to do :-). I hope I fully
understand what needs to be done.

BTW this this mean the current dsdiff_decoder_plugin is not considered
real DSD playback?


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