Hi List,

I found a problem when i try to rename a Chinese character based playlist
name using API provided by MPD.
I run MPD 0.16.8 on Windows 7 Professional Services Pack 1 (*English Edition

I've asked the developer of python-mpd2, after discussion, he suggested
that i ask for help from here.

Since the description is a bit long,  you can find the detailed description


In essential, i think it would be much clear if i paste some code.

But i have no C skills, so forgive me to paste a bit *Python* code below:
(Please check especially to the fonts in red color )


In [1]: import mpd, sys
In [2]: sys.getfilesystemencoding()       # Get the file system
encoding of Windows 7 Professional SP1, English Edition.
Out[2]: 'mbcs'
In [3]: old_playlist_name = u"大"         # Which is a Chinese
character, means 'Big' in English.In [4]: old_playlist_nameOut[4]:
In [5]: client = mpd.MPDClient(use_unicode=True)
In [6]: client.connect('localhost', 6600)
In [7]: client.listplaylists()Out[7]: []
In [8]: client.save(old_playlist_name)
In [9]: client.listplaylists()Out[9]: [{u'last-modified':
u'2012-05-26T09:11:01Z', u'playlist': u'\u5927'}]
In [10]: *client.rename(old_playlist_name, "New_Name")*

                             Traceback (most recent call
last)C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\<ipython-input-10-fcec17c403c0> in
<module>()----> 1 client.rename(old_playlist_name, "New_Name")
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\mpd.pyc in decorator(self, *args)
    489 def newFunction(wrapper, name, returnValue):
    490     def decorator(self, *args):--> 491         return
wrapper(self, name, args, bound_decorator(self, returnValue))
    492     return decorator
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\mpd.pyc in _execute(self, command, args, retval)
    211             self._write_command(command, args)
    212             if isinstance(retval, Callable):--> 213
     return retval()
    214             return retval
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\mpd.pyc in decorator(*args, **kwargs)
    484     """ bind decorator to self """
    485     def decorator(*args, **kwargs):--> 486         return
function(self, *args, **kwargs)
    487     return decorator
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\mpd.pyc in _fetch_nothing(self)
    313     def _fetch_nothing(self):--> 314         line = self._read_line()
    315         if line is not None:
    316             raise ProtocolError("Got unexpected return value:
'%s'" % line)
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\mpd.pyc in _read_line(self)
    233         if line.startswith(ERROR_PREFIX):
    234             error = line[len(ERROR_PREFIX):].strip()--> 235
         raise CommandError(error)
    236         if self._command_list is not None:
    237             if line == NEXT:
*CommandError: [50@0] {rename} No such playlist*
In [11]:
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