Thanks for you explanation.

Should i fire a bug to the bug report site?
Or just do some workaround?

On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Denis Krjuchkov <> wrote:

> 02.06.2012 14:38, zw g написал:
>  But the odd thing is:
>> I can Save playlist name in Chinese characters.  (Although they
>> displayed in non-readable form in the playlists folder)
>> In  [8]:
>> In  [9]:  client.listplaylists()
>> Out[9]:  [{u'last-modified':  u'2012-05-26T09:11:01Z',  u'playlist':
>>  u'\u5927'}]
> Ok, I've just looked at source of MPD and glib and it seems there is a bug
> lies in between. MPD uses g_filetest() function to check if file really
> exists, but glib redefines g_filetest to be actually g_filetest_utf8(),
> which expected file name to be in UTF-8 instead of windows default encoding.
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