To elaborate on Max' answer and because I like statistics:

On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 00:58:46 +0800 zw g <> wrote:
> Now in the current MPD version:
> >From asking MPD by using `client.playlistinfo()` request by using
> python-mpd2,
> what i get is int type represents duration of each song in *seconds*
> form.
> I think that is not accurate enough for computing the duration of
> whole playlist, especially for large playlist.

Yes, seconds is enough accuracy. Especially for large playlists!
If the playlist is two songs of 1 minute each, that makes 120 seconds
in total. When both lengths are inaccurate by 1 second (maximum!), that
means 120 +- 2 seconds, that is an error of less then 2%. Quite good
If the playlist is large like 300 songs of 3 minutes each, that makes
900 minutes material or 54000 seconds. The error is 1 second per
song. So the length of a song is 180+-1 second or less then half a
percent per song. For this large amounts of songs, doing the
error-calculation by adding the larges values is giving an overly large
error, the real error will be much smaller, probably less the 0.1%. And
who needs a playlist-length of 54000 seconds accurate to less 0.1 percent?


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