On 2013/01/07 14:11, Timur Aydin <t...@taydin.org> wrote:
> Hi, I have an application that listens to mpd status changes using
> "idle" and writes the current mpd status onto a hardware display. After
> issuing a "play" command, mpd immediately notifies the player status
> change. At that point, I read the status of the player, but the status
> does not include any audio format information. But mpd just told me that
> it started playing. If I wait 1 second after receiving the player status
> change notification, then the status includes the audio format
> information. I have tested with both internet radio stations and with
> stored audio files, same result.

I think that's a bug, and the event should be delayed until MPD knows
all the details.  Please write a ticket.

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