On 2013/01/07 21:00, Timur Aydin <t...@taydin.org> wrote:
> Actually, both of these statuses are valid and valuable. The first can
> be interpreted and displayed as a "buffering..." and the second can be
> displayed as "playing". So it seems it would be better if we add a new
> player state called "buffering". This way, a client can
> deterministically know what MPD is doing and display its status
> accordingly. Let me know what you think about this...

Yes, that sounds like a good idea.

Though there should not be a special state "buffering", as this
reveals too much of MPD's internals (which may change at any time).
It's enough to be aware that while MPD starts playback, the audio
format may not be available until playback initialization has

Clients should also not rely on getting two notifications, because the
two PLAYER events will be merged when the client is slow.  That's a
feature, not a bug.  If you don't ever see the state "playing, but no
audio format yet", that's perfectly ok.

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