I do not support Ann Coulter for what she said about non-Christians & Jews 
but it is sickening to hear what Senator Frank Lautenberg has to say in reply. 
People from his community can control rather siege a town, for their Religious 
Days they can shut the whole Town but will not change Court date related to 
Traffic matters for a Hindu Lady for her Religious Day. They can never say 
“Merry Christmas” rather have given a fancy name to it “Holiday Celebrations.” 
Still if an 11 yr old want to recite a Universal Prayer with a musical 
instrument; the town attorney can put it in writing, “She can not do it.” 
Whereas centuries old common wisdom says, music has no language and a Prayer to 
God is not limited to one sect or community. How they will react if some one 
starts calling Hanukkah or Rosh Hashanah with some other name?
  Lautenberg’s protected community leaders can blow up a Hill right next to a 
Christian Church to make dream condos by violating every Land Use Ordinance, 
Master Plan & Steep Slope Ordinance by granting multiple illegal variances 
because it is not their Temple or Synagogue. Fact is this kind of massive 
permanent destruction to the Environment no other state of America rather any 
country of the world will ever allow.
  A woman cop can stop at gun point a 5 & 9 yr old Hindu Children from meeting 
their mother. Again a Police Union controlled by a Jewish President can call 
the entire community of Indian origin, Cockroaches, Animals, Illiterates and 
illegal go home in the presence of Print & TV Media for demanding justice 
against Police Brutality.
  If any one raises questions of accountability, people from this community 
wants to hide behind the sacrifice of the warriors of holocaust era to put a 
blanket on their corrupt & racist deeds by declaring it is an insult to Jews. 
The worst is media personnel belonging to this community do not feel the 
requirement to report all of the above and Senator Lautenberg getting numerous 
letters on these issues is not supposed to condemn or criticize such inhuman, 
racially biased crimes committed by so called Leaders from his community. I 
honor and respect the sacrifice of those killed during the holocaust but what 
it has do with people committing crimes with full understanding & knowledge of 
  We must honor & respect America is a Christian nation but at the same time it 
is a Muslim nation, a Jewish nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, a 
Mormon nation and a nation of non-believers also. Ann Coulter must understand 
even to be a Christian one has to be a good human being; same is true for other 
religions also. 
  The century’s old concept of “One God” celebrates the principles of ancient 
Cultures of inclusiveness; excluding none from God’s grace, not even those who 
have chosen to withdraw from God’s grace. How does it matters what Idol they 
worship or what Image they bow to or they do not worship any God so long as 
their conduct remains pure. It is the Conduct then, theirs and ours that need 
to be purified. There can not be any compulsion each human being must be free 
to worship the God as they choose as well as not to worship any God.
  God Bless America .
  Dave Makkar
  Lautenberg has $3.6 million in campaign fund
  Home News Tribune Online 10/16/07  By RAJU CHEBIUM
  WASHINGTON - Sen. Frank Lautenberg has $3.6 million on hand to spend on his 
reelection bid, according to the latest campaign filings. 

The New Jersey Democrat, who’s currently unopposed, raised nearly $909,000 from 
July 1-Sept. 30, according to a summary of records he filed with the Federal 
Election Commission this week.
  His campaign also has debts of nearly $2.1 million, carried over from 
previous quarters and elections cycles. Additionally, his campaign returned 
$18,000 in donations, the records show.
   Steve DeMicco, Lautenberg’s campaign director, said the debt doesn’t hinder 
the reelection bid. He added that the refunds were necessary because some 
donors contributed more than the law allows.
  Lautenberg’s entire report is expected to become available later in the week. 
  Dave Makkar:
  “84 years old Senator Frank Lautenberg was first elected to US Senate 25 
years ago and can be named as an accomplice for being the senior politician in 
allowing New Jersey to become world’s most corrupt and racist state. This state 
perhaps is the only state in the world which is legally corrupt & legally 
racially segregated under 588 governments for 8.5 mil residents with 9,0000 
Elected Officials & over 400,000 state & municipal employees with a budget of 
$35 billion for State & $38 billion for local 587 governments and $130 billion 
current defficit for 566 racially segregated towns.”
  Dave Makkar

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