May 7, 2010
Where is the Leader?
By Saeed Qureshi
I am not a prophet of doom but I deserve a right to be despondent about the 
murky situation in Pakistan. Honestly, I don’t visualize a plausible picture of 
Pakistan.  With a rogue law minister, would any one entertain the slightest 
perception that law would be allowed to take its course?  The verdicts of the 
apex courts have been wantonly and obdurately thrown into lurch by the 
incumbent government with the law minister in the lead for such an abominable 
mission. “Upon my dead body” is his battle cry to the demand for producing the 
records pertaining to the Swiss courts. Is he trying to shield the president, 
the principle actor in the entire episode?  Should it be construed as a service 
or a slap on the former’s face?  Doesn’t it provide  an implicit proof of the  
gubernatorial crimes now being swept under the rug? 
With a corrupt and morally bankrupt coterie at the helm, the country has 
diminishing chances to come out of the dark woods it is groping in. The state’s 
Attorney General resigns followed by the law Secretary. Something terribly 
stinks in the ministry of Law and Parliamentary Affairs. The president gives 
immunity to both the Interior minister Rehman Malik and the Law minister Babar 
Awan not to be interrogated about Benazir Bhutto’s assassination.
 The probe committee is lameduck and cannot mow a blade of grass and is said to 
be covertly in league with the law Minister who is assuming the stature of a 
monster not to be trifled with. He asserts that the Swiss cases are closed and 
not to be reopened. That assertion flies in the face of even a modicum of moral 
decency, besides contravention of the constitutionally binding orders of the 
Supreme Court of Pakistan. So here is a sordid stalemate that would erode 
whatever legal or judicial decorum is left.
The monsters of corruption mostly the people in power and specifically the 
legion of ministers are devouring money and shooting left and right under the 
sun and in full view of the harried and powerless people of Pakistan to amass 
as much as wealth by robbing the state funds, misappropriating the 
discretionary monetary allocations, throwing fabulous contracts to the friends 
or the highest bidders without blinking their greed filled eyes.   
At the end of this never ending sleazy game they still remain as holy cows. No 
one can check their unbridled lust and misuse of powers for making a mockery of 
the law and infringing the basic norm of modesty which to say the least is 
bizarre and abominable.
There is an opposition, having some kind of tacit or covert understanding with 
the cutthroat cabal in power. There is a civil society crying in the wilderness 
for blatant violations of such sublime norms and values as the fundamental 
rights, kidnapping of the citizens by the secret agents under the fake 
suspicions of being saboteurs----Some have disappeared for years: no clue, no 
rescue and no explanation where they are. The target killings sprees between  
the rival groups or for personal vendettas or by the state intelligence 
agencies is taking place with immunity and with no chance of being checked or 
There is an insurgency fast picking up in Baluchistan for an independent 
greater Balochistan. There is a war going on in the tribal belt of Pakistan 
entailing countess casualties of the armed forces. Whose war is this by the 
way? The watershed 7th NFC (National Finance Commission) award and the landmark 
18th amendment have been rendered ineffectual and meaningless in face of the 
Baluchistan separation movement. There might be external forces stoking this 
fire and there might be an indigenous movement and volatile sentiment for 
But why is there no breakthrough and some respite in the ferment of the 
parochial sentiment, getting out of control by the day? Lately, it has assumed 
frightening dimensions by way of target killings of non- Balochis. Does this 
appalling scenario is a replay, though of lesser intensity, of what happened in 
the erstwhile East Pakistan some four decades ago?
The contracts for import or export and for domestic or foreign sale or 
procurement for sugar, flour, cotton, fertilizers, steel, rice,  gas, petroleum 
and all such essential  products that are vial for the country and the industry 
carry a commission tag or kickbacks. This time it is not confined to paltry 10 
per cent. For those in power to issue permits in complicity with the hoarders, 
the black-marketers, and the smugglers, have no bar on how much they are 
capable of making from the underhand deals. 
There is no fear of chastisement for treasonous violations or disdainful 
disregard for the courts’ orders or the farcical accountability. Double speak 
is the order of the day and the ministers seem to have excelled in that ignoble 
skill. The predominant lot of Pakistani leaders both in power and out of power 
is adept in self preservation, aggrandisement and nepotism
There must be some concern for the woes  of the people caught in the cobweb of 
scarcity and  unbearable prices of daily necessities, power cuts, poverty, 
malnutrition, pitiable health and education systems, chronic corruption, 
insecurity, rap, highway robberies, break ins, adulteration of drugs and food, 
noise pollution, the environmental degradation, the police barbarities , 
extra-judicial and target killings, arbitrary arrests, the slow pacing of the 
justice system,  the over -lordship of the phony clerics, the complicated 
regulations, the highhandedness of officialdom, the senseless dereliction of 
responsibilities by the elected leaders, members of parliament, and finally the 
inhuman sway of the privileged feudals, the heartless tribal chiefs, the ethnic 
and religious marauders.
The time is ripe for a revolution; the people are ready for a radical change: 
where is the leader?
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Saeed Qureshi



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