May 10, 2010
Why to blame Pakistan?
By Saeed Qureshi
In the wake of failed terrorism attempt by a naturalized American citizen with 
Pakistani origin, the entire American electronic and print media is up in arms 
against Pakistan. A case is seemingly being made against Pakistan as if it was 
the nation or state of Pakistan that was behind this most condemnable attack. 
In the heat  of their pent up  partisan discussions and slanted debates and 
misleading talk shows,  effort is being made to tarnish and target Pakistan 
forgetting that the young man who committed this vicious crime was legally an 
American citizen. It is also being conveniently ignored that the person who 
saved the havoc that may have been wrought was a Muslim from Senegal who tipped 
the authorities about the parking of an abandoned car. 
In the wake of the free for all and bereft  of a rational approach  and mature 
view of this diabolic act of terrorism,  the American media along with the anti 
Muslim elements overlooked the yawning and incontrovertible fact that Pakistan 
is also under attack from Taliban who should not be categorized as Pakistani or 
Afghan Taliban. Taliban on both sides of the border between Afghanistan and 
Pakistan have their own identity and way of life. Even if there is Punjabi 
Taliban they are outlaws and fighting against Pakistan also. 
The world at large and particularly the well-informed American and Western 
media must be knowing that Pakistan’s armed forces, after heavy fighting and 
countless casualties of its soldiers drove the tenacious Taliban militants out 
of Swat and South Waziristan. It is still fighting against the Taliban and 
Al-Qaida and other brands of militants in the tribal areas and gradually 
weakening their power and flushing them out of the remaining areas. It is such 
an epic struggle and brilliant performance with sterling achievements that 
should be thumping and generously applauded by the Western press.
Regrettably, it is not being explained that Pakistan and United States were 
both waging an historic fight against these fanatical militants who are enemies 
of both Pakistan and America. The imperative of honesty should also impel the 
myopic critics to not mention Pakistan with a disdain or malicious undertones 
as if the whole Pakistani nation was conspiring and training these barbarian 
enemies of civilization. The Taliban’s version of Islam out-rightly militates 
against the faith of the 99 percent people of other Muslim faithful who are 
peaceful and who abhor terrorism as much as the Americans do.
It is stunning that why Pakistan’s glowing sacrifices and phenomenal military 
onslaught against a common enemy Talban do not find any mention in the Western 
media discussions, opinion columns and editorials. A lone, stupid, insane 
individual’s sabotage attempt is being labeled and attributed to Pakistan with 
complete yet vicarious disregard to Pakistan’s monumental role in curbing and 
quashing the terrorism. The rationality and objectivity has taken leave of the 
best of media brains and the so known and recognized free press of the United 
How can one accept the partisan roll coaster propaganda against a country and 
nullify the meritorious accomplishments of an ally becuase one single man from 
the blue has acted in an inimical way.  The American press in a fair and honest 
manner should have isolated the sinister attempt of Faisal from Pakistan and 
given credit to Pakistan for rendering supreme sacrifices in fighting against 
the Taliban and the people of the Ilk of Faisal. 
In this regard the warning issued by New York Mayor Bloomberg that ethnic 
back-lash against Pakistani living in new York would not be allowed is so 
timely and welcome. In his May 4 press statement he cautioned, “I want to make 
clear that we will not tolerate any bias or backlash against Pakistani or 
Muslim New Yorkers. All of us live in this City and among any group there are 
always a few bad apples…” The American media should take a cue from Mayor 
Bloomberg and exercise caution and restraint instead of blowing up a blame game 
that is patently wrong morally and can trigger serious trouble for the American 
citizens or residents with a Pakistani background.
The result is that the community that hails from Pakistan has come under an 
enormous strain and burgeoning pressure and suffers from a paranoid of 
retaliation against them by individuals or groups who may jump to a vendetta. 
This is an overwhelmingly alarming situation that has to be preempted by sober 
pronouncements and stern assurances by the federal and state administration 
against the hate or reprisal attempts by unscrupulous elements after listening 
to the anti Pakistan venomous and slanderous propaganda or unguarded media 
The Us administration should not waste time in exonerating Pakistan from the 
sole action of a US citizen instead  of identifiying and labeling him as a 
Pakistan Taliban that gives mistaken message  about Pakistan. At the same time 
Pakistan’s grand efforts and remarkable victories over the ferocious Taliban 
should be widely eulogized and generously acclaimed as a unique watershed that 
has brought formidable saving grace to the United States thanks to the valor of 
Pakistan army. It is an utter injustice to Pakistan if it’s wantonly accused 
for such isolated incidents despite its commendable role in favor of United 
States, a performance which should be rewarded and highly valued instead of 
mounting a mindless finger pointing by American media against Pakistan. 
The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has lashed out at Pakistan, 
indirectly implying the complicity of Pakistan in the incident committed by a 
lone individual. In her overly undiplomatic and profusely emotional outburst 
she threatened Pakistan of dire consequences if another incident of similar 
nature happens. In one stroke she has demolished and watered down of what 
Pakistan has done so much against Taliban and for the sake of the United 
States. In that a veiled excuse for extending drone attacks over to Pakistan’s 
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Saeed Qureshi



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