In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
 Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with 
Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah 
guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one 
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness 
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
Were You Not On This Planet 
For Last 7 Days ?
Audio Urdu Lecture by Tariq Jameel
Speech to Text Translation by Adil Khan
Download the below audio lecture (3mb) in urdu from

Please tell me how such a crowd gathered for Jummah Namaz.
Oh this,, 1/3 may be from Outside (office crowd),, 
but atleast 2/3 is from local areaa.
Why doesnt these people come to masjid for other 5 namaz's ?
Where are these local people in the last 7 days ?
Do you eat after 7 days ?
Do you not stay on this earth for last 7 days ?
Do you sleep after 7 days ?
Do you take breath after 7 days ?
Do you drink Allah's water after 7 days ?
Do you hear after 7 days ?
Do you take benefit from Sun rays after 7 days ?
If the Quraan is read to the stone... 
Even the stone trebles and crumbles to dust.
If the Quraan is read to the sea... 
Even the fierce sea storm would have stopped
You people are made of what?
Which stone/mud are you made of?
Even the Stone/Sea/Mountains trembles with fear of Allah.
If Police calls you or your office boss calls you,
You would leave all your office and reach there by Hook or by cook.

And when Allah who is creator of this Sun/Earth calls you for Prayer 5 times a 
Haya Allahas Salaa....Haya Allahs Salaa..
It does not even bother your ears...

And you come to masjid after 7 days???
Did you take water after 7 days???
You people consider Zina as major Sin..
But leaving Namaz is Even Bigger Sin
You people consider Bribery as Major Sin,,,
But leaving Namaz is Even Bigger Sin
You people consider killing as Major Sin,,,
But leaving Namaz is Even Bigger Sin
What did Shitaan do?
Did the Shaitaan do Zina/ bribery / drank Alcohol or Killed anyone or did 
Shaitaan only declined to do 'sajda' (prostrate) once,
And guaranteed himself place in Hell.
And you people do not have shame,
You leave all 5 daily prostrations,
You leave all 34 namaz and come only for the 35th namaz of the week 
(5namaz X 7 days=35 namaz in 1 week)
How can you sit at home and drink tea,
How can you sit calmly and read newspaper or watch TV?
How can you sit with your wife calmly?
Not doing 1 sajdah cost Shaitaan guaranteed place in Hell.
Those who didnt read Fajr, you are only booking your place in Hell.
Those who didn’t read Zohar / Asr / Esha... you are only Mocking Allah's 
command when He has asked to prostate (namaz) 

Those read at home,,,
It’s ok compared to not reading at all. 
But it’s highly advisable to read them in masjid.

And after 8 days, you come to masjid dressed in white kurta With cap on your 

For last 8 days, you were mocking Allah’s command.
Don’t you fear Allah?
What excuse do you have???
It’s too hot / cold. Cannot get up for namaz?
Don’t you know wats in store for you in Hell?
Fire / Stones / Ashes.
Have you become a hard stone?

You people are so engrossed in your work/shop, that you do not have time to 
come to masjid to pray?
You cannot close your shop/work to pray?
Does Only on Jummah Allah Calls you Namaz?
Doesn’t Allah only call you on other Days??
Why there is huge crowd in Jummah Namaz only?
Why not on other days?
If Allah wants , can make sea come and destroy you. (Flood)
If Allah wants , can make land tremble and destroy you. (Earthquake).
If Allah wants , can make angels come take you. (Death)
You people drink water send by Allah.
You people eat food send by Allah
You people eat flesh of cattle which is send by Allah.
That Allah...Yes Almighty Allah.
And you do not bother to Listen and Obey Him???
If your servant who earns a mere salary, if he disobeys you...
You throw him out of job.
But Allah, who has given you everything
Ears to listen
Nose to breathe
Eyes to see...
Hair / nails.

If one of our nail gets cut slightly extra, you become sad.
What if Allah takes away you entire nail?
We would not be able to repay Allah for the nail we have been given.
How can we become Enemy of Allah???
It is Allah who has created Land.
It is Allah who has given you trees/plants/food.
It is Allah who has made you from mud.
Then why do you disobey Him??
Dont you know that Allah has made 2 waters? 
Sour and sweet.
And it is He who has kept them divided and has ordered them not to mix.
For if they mix, you will not have water to drink.
Dont you know that you will die one day?
And Allah will live forever.
Then why do you disobey Allah?
Dont you know Allah has made Hell and Heaven for you?
Only Allah can save you from Hell.
Dont you know fuel of hell is people who disobeyed Allah?
Dont you know that if you really Feared Allah, you have guaranteed your place 
in Heaven?

With whom you cheating from?
Is this land what you crave for?
Here you get dust / mud / sweat / heat.
And now see jannat.
No dust / Mud / Sweat / Heat.
Only Big trees with huge shade...
Big trees with fruits which are properly ripped and hanging  
So that it can be easily be removed.
Angels are there in Jannat to help you all the time.
Your Rabb is there to serve you in Jannat... to make you stay  
Young forever... where there is no illness ... no backbiting  ... No evil...
Yet you do not want to pray 5 times???
You do not have Shame???
My dear brothers... make Allah make you one of those who will enter Jannah.
Do not run after your work/shop.
Because this shop will stay over here and will not take you anywhere in the 
If you taken someone else wealth or interest or land, etc,  
You would be asked by Allah to 'go and bring that wealth'  
On the Day of Judgment. that person would say 'how can I bring it, it is there 
on earth'
Allah would say 'no it is kept in Hell... go and bring from there....’
That person accompanied by 2 angels would enter hell and go deep bottom, where 
the disbelievers are there facing the Punishments.
There the person would find his wealth which he had earned on earth and angels 
would ask him to carry it.
The person would lift his wealth and would start to carry it to the top,
But on reaching the top, his wealth would slip and again go down to the bottom.
Again the angels would hit him and ask him to go and bring his wealth and this 
person would never be able to leave hell.
Do you want to be like that person?
Do you still want to run after your wealth?
The angels would announce, 'today we will know who among you are the real 
believers, who among you prayed namaz in the middle of the night (tahajjud)....’
Please brothers, why do you take namaz so lightly?
Why do you come after 7 days??
The first Question in the grave is about Namaz.
Also , start giving zakaat.
Because Zakaat and Namaz go together.
If you yourself give huge Zakaat for masjid and you yourself do not come for 
That Zakaat will not save you from Hell-Fire.
I feel sorry for masjid persons who ask for money for masjid inside the Allah's 
masjid during the Jummah Khutbah,
And I feel sorry for you Muslims who come in Allah's house and give 1rs or 2rs 
coins (as if you are giving to some beggar).
Give you Zakaat to your poor relatives.
Ask you wife whether she has given Zakaat for the gold she wears  
And if she says that I have kept them for our daughter's Wedding 
Then says to her....’you better given zakaat, otherwise on the Day of Judgment, 
this gold will turn to a snake and  sting you on your neck.
Reading namaz is not a replacement for not giving Zakaat.
And giving Zakaat is not a replacement for missing Namaz.
Dear Brothers... make your wealth 'Halaal'.
Make your wife/kids understand that for your sake we cannot disobey Allah and 
go to hell.

We were once on Israel Border.
There they Jews used to ask us, how many people come for fajr and how many 
people come to Jummah??
I once ask them why you want to enquire about this,
They said, "in thier jewish books it is written that once muslims people starts 
coming for fajr and people coming for Jummah becomes equal, Jews Would get 
eradicated from this world"
My brothers,
We cannot see a dog/cat/mouse getting burned Alive.
Yet we do fail to see ourselves burning in hell?
And yet we don’t tremble by this thought??
My brothers...
Do not crave for this world,
This world is a short stay,
You will never know when you will die...
And after you die, people will forget you.

Most of the grand-children do not even know their grand Father’s name.
And for this world. we disobey Allah ??
So please do tawbah (repent) and come to straight path.

Start reading Namaz.

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