   {In the name  of Allah most  Gracious Most Merciful}
  Allah  says, in Quran 
This day, I have perfected  your religion for you,
 completed My Favour upon  you,
 and have chosen for you  Islâm as your religion.
Bismillah        Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam        Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu


"The Weakening of Faith"
Its Symptoms - Causes & Cure
Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid

taken from my elder sister group...


Seeking knowledge of the religion helps achieve                                 
Taqwa (fear) from Allah and increases  Iman. Allah said,                        
what translated means,"It is only  those who have                               
knowledge among His slaves that fear  Allah." [35:28]. 

Therefore, how can those who have  knowledge in the rules                       
of the Shariah (Islamic Law), the  meaning and implications                     
of Ash-Shahadatayn (the two  testimonies, there is no god                       
worthy of worship except Allah, and  Mohammad is the                            
Messenger of Allah), the wisdom behind  the various rules                       
of the religion with regards to the  permissible and the                        
impermissible, the life story of the  Messenger of Allah and                    
knowledge in what will occur after  death, such as the                          
torment in the grave, the hardships of  the Day of                              
Resurrection, the bounties in Paradise  and the torment in                      
Hellfire, how can they be compared to  those who do not                         
have knowledge in such aspects? Those  latter ones only                         
blindly follow and imitate others,"Say, ‘Are those who know                     
equal to those who know not?’" [39:9].

Healing the Weak Iman -  Feeling Allahs Might, by knowing His  names and 
Attributes and studying their meanings and filling the heart  with these 
meanings :------------ 


Feeling Allahs Might, by knowing  His names and                                 
Attributes and studying their meanings  and filling the heart                   
with these meanings, will show its  effect on the heart and                     
then on the limbs. The deeds will then  be a spokesman for                      
the heart, for the heart is the leader  of the body, if the leader              
is strong, his soldiers will also be  strong, and if the leader is              
weak, the soldiers will be weak in  turn. 

Texts of the Quran and Sunnah that  describe Allah are in                       
abundance. When the Muslim reads these  texts, he will feel                     
humility when confronted with Allahs  Might, and then this                      
humility will lead him to be an even  better slave of Allah,                    
Allah willing. 

The Quran and Sunnah  describe Allah as the                                  
Great, the Irresistible, the Most  Powerful, the Compeller, the                 
Most High, Able of Retribution, the  Mighty, the All-Strong, the                
Supreme, etc. Also, Allah is the Ever  Living God Who does                      
not die, while mankind and the Jinns  die, the Dominant                         
above and the Supreme over His slaves,  the One Whom the                        
thunder praises and the angels fear,  the One Who sustains                      
everything, Whose Knowledge encompasses  all things and                         
the One Who uncovers all secrets of the  hearts.

Also, Allah                                  described Himself with Knowledge, 
"And  with Him are the                                  keys of Al-Ghayb (all 
that is hidden),  none knows them but                                  He. And 
He knows whatever there is on  the earth and in the                             
sea; not a leaf falls, but He knows it.  There is not a grain in                
the darkness of the earth nor anything  fresh or dry, but is                    
written in a Clear Record." [6:59] 

Allah also described His Might, when He  said, want                             
translated means,"They made not just  estimate of Allah                         
as is due to Him. And on the Day of  Resurrection the                           
whole of the earth will be grasped by  His Hand and                             
the heavens will be rolled up in His  Right Hand." [39:67] 

In this regard, the Messenger of Allah  said, what translated                   
means, "Allah will grasp the earth on  the Day of                               
Resurrection and will roll up the  heavens in His Right,                        
then He will say, "I am the King! Where  are the kings                          
of the earth?"[Al-Bukhari] 

Furthermore, the believer should feel  humility in his heart                    
with regards to Allahs Might, when he  reads the story of                       
Moses, who said, as was mentioned in  the Quran, "O my                          
Lord! Show me (Yourself), that I may  look upon you." [7:143], 

and Allah answered him with,"’You cannot see                                  
Me, but look upon the mountain if it  stands still in its                       
place, then you shall see Me. So when  his Lord                                 
appeared to the mountain, He made it  collapse to                               
dust, and Moses fell down unconscious."  [7:143] 

The Messenger also described Allah, as "His veil is Light,                      
if He unveils it, the Light of His Face  will burn all what                     
His Sight reaches (which is  everything!)" [Muslim] 

Also,                                  the Messenger of Allah described what  
happens when Allah                                  decrees a matter,"When 
decrees a  matter in the                                  heavens, the angels 
will gather their  wings in humility                                  for (the 
revealing of) His Decree,  which is (sounds)                                  
just like the chain when it slides over  a barren rock.                         
Until when fear is banished from their  hearts, they say, What is it that your 
Lord has said?  They say, The                                  Truth. And He is 
the Most High, the Most  Great." [Al-Bukhari]





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