In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
Praise  be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with 
Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds.  Whomsoever 
guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah  leaves astray, no one 
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god  but Allaah, and I bear witness 
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu


This May Be Your Last Ramadan...


People approach Ramadan in different  ways. Its perception differs from people 
to people. 

Some people view  Ramadan as a period of expressing their undying love for the 
Beloved.  For them, Ramadan is a valuable, precious, and rare occasion. They 
spend  all their time doing good, convinced that the reward of each act is  
multiplied manifold. Patience, sympathy, and generosity beautify the  demeanor. 
They guard their tongues and remain preoccupied in recitation  of Quran and 
Duaa, seeking forgiveness, begging for Jannah, and seeking protection from 

There are others who regard Ramadan as a painstaking task. It is a  painful 
practice and a torturous month for these so called moderates.  They reluctantly 
keep Sawm and offer Salat. Their concept of Siyam  is limited to physical 
abstention of food, drink, and marital  relationship with wife. They spend 
time in chitchat, watching TV,  and wasting their nights in markets and 
restaurants. They are not ever  inclined towards Khairat, nor are they careful 
of their Ibadah. Their goal in Ramadan is to prepare for Eid. 

The following Hadith suitably describes their spiritless actions: 
"Many  are the ones who keep Sawm attaining nothing by such except hunger, and  
many perform Salat by night attaining nothing by it except the  discomfort of 
staying awake."

(Ibn Majah)Rasulullah  (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) further stated that: " 
Allah   does not  require the discarding food and drink of the person who fasts 
but does  not refrain from bad speech and action." (Sahih Bukhari)

There is yet a third group who is hardly ever moved by Ramadan. They never 
believe in Ibadah  and remain busy in their worldly activities. They are less 
concerned  with religion, and nor have the will or the time to change their 
daily  routines, as per injunctions of the Shariah. 

The following Hadith should serve as a harsh warning to them: 
"Jibrael  appeared before me and said: "Woe to him who found the blessed month 
of  Ramadan and let it passes by without gaining forgiveness". Upon that I  
said: Aameen".(Sahih Bukhari) 

He also said:  "Whoever does not fast for even   one day in Ramadan..., without 
a valid  excuse, shall never be able to   repay that day even if he fasts for  
the rest of his life" (Ahmad) 

Ramadan  is a School which after completion of one month course gives result to 
each believer, to evaluate his position. Ramadan is a sacred training  School 
where a believer learns how to recharge ones spiritual  batteries-to gain ones 
provision for the Akhirah. 

If one can not attain advantage from this month then when will he do so? This 
the month for renewing our Aqidah, strengthening our willpower, and seeking 
Taubah, a unique opportunity to fortify the bond of love with our Creator, 
through Ibadah Zahirah & Aamal Batinah. Salat and Zakat are inter-connected and 
linked to the category of Ibadah Zahirah. Instructions have been given that 
Faraid should be done openly, so other people should incline towards it. 
is under the head of Aamal Batinah which has direct link to Allah alone. 

It is a noted fact that after each Ramadan, on Eid holidays many people indulge 
in immoral, shameless and indecent activities of enjoyment, which Shariah  
condemns. People revert to entertainment of music, forbidden films, and  women 
displaying their beautification etc. 

They spend lavishly on  gambling, drinking, and profligacy, and consider it as 
part of joy of  the festival. Involvement of the Muslims in such nefarious 
activities is  the major cause of humiliation and fall of Muslim Power 
worldwide. When  non Muslims observe the ugly life style of Muslims they enjoy, 
and  support them. Ramadan ends with Eid al Fitar but the deeds and actions 
displayed during Ramadan should serve as facilitator which should be followed 
throughout the year. Eid is a bliss occasion of Islam which has no concern with 
the festival of other faiths. 

Brothers and sisters in Islam! Fear Allah  Taala and beware of wasting   your 
life away in futile activities. Make  use of your time by being   positive and 
constructive, for it is by  doing so you can achieve the   pleasure of Allah 

This may well  be your last Ramadan..., your last   opportunity to benefit from 
the  special blessings and forgiveness that   accompanies this month. 

Know  that Ramadan... is a manifestation of Allah   Taalas bountiful  blessings 
on His slaves. Use it as a turning point in   your life; a  time for 
transformation towards a better way of life; a   change from  the ignominy of 
sins to the glory of obedience; from   weakness and  laziness to strength and 
vigour; from bad customs and   detestable  habits to righteousness and upright 

Perhaps it may be our last  Ramadan, our last opportunity to benefit from the 
special blessings and  forgiveness that accompanies this month, for who knows 
may be there  or not to receive the blessings next year.


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