Dear all,

Thanks for all the responses and offers of help received in response to 
my e-mail below, both on and off-list. Those who responded off-list have 
been asked to join the mailing list so hopefully everyone will see this.

Valentin is in the process of setting up GIT and the bug tracking 
system. Once this is available I will start putting contributions and 
corrections into it.

However that's no good if people don't know what to do with them, so I 
have compiled a list of instructions of how I update pieces in Mutopia, 
along with the scripts for doing so. They will work on Linux or Mac OS, 
java and bash are required. See:

If you have volunteered to work on updating and/or adding new pieces to 
Mutopia please take a look at the scripts and see how they work.

The scripts are a bit clunky but generally get the job done. I am 
planning to move all the java stuff to python, along with the website 
backend (currently in perl) so that python, bash and lilypond are the 
only prerequisites for building the website.

Please feel free to have a play with the scripts. They should work on 
any recent Mutopia contributions, eg. search by LilyPond version for 
those using 2.14.

Again, thanks for the offers of help, and we can hopefully get started 
on the backlog of contributions soon.

All offers of help which this message doesn't apply to (translations, 
etc.) have been logged and I will respond in due course.

There is also the website backend to look at; a nice lump of perl for 
some brave programmer to unravel.  ;-)


On 12/06/11 12:16, Chris Sawer wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am pleased to report that a plan is being put together to get Mutopia
> up-and-running again. Thanks to Valentin Villenave we are moving the
> source repository to a publicly accessible GIT server and starting a bug
> tracking system. This should allow us to divide tasks between a number
> of volunteers rather than one person having to do everything.
> The following message has been posted on the website asking for volunteers:
> Project update June 2011
> Mutopia has not been actively maintained for around a year. However a
> new team is being put together to work through the backlog and get
> Mutopia up-and-running again. Could you help us? We are looking for
> volunteers to help with the following roles:
> - Adding new contributions sent to us
> - Applying corrections to existing pieces
> - Upgrading pieces written with old LilyPond versions
> - Redeveloping website (programming)
> - Redeveloping build scripts (programming)
> - Translation of website
> - Delegating incoming e-mail ("front desk")
> - Answering legal queries (English)
> - Answering general queries (English)
> - Answering queries in non-English languages
> - Maintaining projects in progress page and chasing/removing old ones
> Any help that can be offered will be appreciated. Thanks to Javier
> Ruiz-Alma who is looking at applying corrections to existing pieces.
> The backend is currently an unpleasant mixture of Perl and Java but I am
> looking to move to Python for both the website and build scripts. A
> start has already been made on this.
> I would like to apologise to all those who have contributed pieces and
> sent corrections that have not yet been added to the website. I hope we
> can work through the backlog over the next few weeks.
> I think Mutopia is still unique in offering sheet music with full source
> files that can be edited using free software. I hope we can maintain it
> as a useful resource going forward.
> Regards,
> Chris

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