Hi Federico and all,

Thanks for starting this discussion.

On 04/01/14 12:36, Federico Bruni wrote:
> 1. I'ts been suggested[1] to add (on the website) a reference to the
> github way of contributing.

I agree, I would like to describe how to contribute using this method 
and add the information to the website.

> 2. The same github user who didn't know about the github repo tried to
> send a contribution by email and never got a reply[2]. Too bad.

This is clearly not good enough and I would like to apologise to anyone 
in this situation.

I made an effort to try and work regularly on Mutopia throughout 
December, and intend to continue this effort into 2014. I have a week 
scheduled at the end of February (24th-28th) to review how things are 
going and plan for the future.

> I strongly suggest that contributions are sent to this list

I am happy to accept contributions sent to this list, and can add it to 
the website as a more "public" way of contributing.

I also plan to add any e-mail contributions which I can't process 
immediately (eg. complicated ones) as GitHub issues so the contributor - 
and anyone else - can track their progress.

> 3. Licenses - http://www.mutopiaproject.org/legal.html
> Can you please add on that page the reason why licenses are limited to
> public domain, CC By and CC By-Sa?
> Cc By-Sa-Nc is not listed because it's not approved as free cultural
> license?
> http://creativecommons.org/freeworks

Yes, I will go through all the new CC licenses and update that page with 
some more information following your suggestion.

Regards, and best wishes to all for 2014.


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