Hi there,

as I am new to this list, I can’t reply directly, but this is an
addition to this mail:

1. Mutopia works in the public-domain point to this licence:
But this is a retired licence that is not recommended any longer (since
2010 -- over 3 years). It is explained why and alternatives can be found
there, too.

2. Another wish I would like to state here again:
Could the Mutopia tagline be drastically beautified? To me this is
against all typographical conventions and I would suggest:
- One font size for the whole tagline
- the licence is mentioned twice: in the tagline and in the copyright
(one would suffice, my suggestion: copyright)
- less text in general
- details about licences can be explained on the Mutopia website, but if
I use this piece, I feel less free and more annoyed by those wordy
explanations (my personal opinion)

3. I am one of the possible contributers, Federico mentioned, that got
no reply. I have now read Chris’ mail about February and I see the
activity on this list here. That reassures me. After this first
contribution is through and I know the procedures, I have a few more to add.

Thanks for your work!

PS: This pad.fsfe.org thing is exciting :)

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