> The issues with mktemp() are long well understood and
> I'm pretty sure every vendor has fixed this in anything resembling a
> currently supported OS.

The man pages I linked to indicate different levels of progress. Anyway,
yeah, those who view it as no more than a string generator holding some
degree of randomness will be fine. Those who view it as gold and don't
do proper diligence with their open(), won't.

>   http://marc.info/?l=mutt-dev&m=128900518711082

The link method would allow for more flexibility in naming
[fuller prefix, suffix, etc] within the same dir.
Only thought I'd add would be
- Will having two entries during the duration the former exists,
or after a crash, give rise to user question, cleanup, etc.
- How are other apps, even other instances of mutt going
to treat either file, such as two entries in a Maildir might.
If the purpose is to have a [pre/suf]fix file that is not ephemeral,
local generation might avoid those. I don't recall the requirement
other than something about treating extensions as keys to content
or file sorting or something.

> I'd be reasonably happy to take some time to write
> had to pull some teeth to get committed a couple of patches related to

There was something today about >2GiB mboxes, I've seen those :)
I'm mostly a mutt user. I think there was a thread here about development.
As with any OSS, whiteboard a survey of outstanding patches, stalled
feature requests etc and try to process through them in order as a team.
If that doesn't produce good result for some fraction of the community,
throw it up on github with why and see what develops there. No big deal.
Not seeing a release in over 2.5 years makes me leery... mutt's good,
but not that good, always some bits to improve, and systems always
tick forward. Don't let it become the next [abandon/fist]ware. I'd fork it
myself before that :)

[I'm unable to thread this with the development thread since I deleted
that mail, apology for that. Try to thread it there if there's more to add.]

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