
This unfortunately isn't a very useful bug report:  

First, you should upgrade to the latest stock Mutt, to see if the
problem exists there.  There's no sense spending time on bugs that are
already fixed. 

Then, at a minimum, use muttbug to have mut generate a bug report with
your configure options etc..  

More usefully, see this link:

And send along a backtrace, and maybe even a full debug trace showing
what Mutt is doing leading up to the crash. 


Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 10:46:57AM +0000, Alastair Growcott wrote:
> There is an old (2008/2009) thread on an identical sounding bug. But that is
> for an older version of Mutt than I have.
> I am using: Mutt 1.5.20 (2009-12-10)
> I am trying to connect to a Microsoft exchange server and have the following
> muttrc:
> set smtp_url=smtp://
> set smtp_authenticators=login
> set smtp_pass=PASSWD
> set
> When I use mutt in interactive mode it works fine and sends messages without
> prompting for authentication.
> When I use mutt with the -i option:
> mutt -i ~/blah.txt -s "Test message"
> It works in a semi-interactive mode and there are no errors, but it doesn't
> send anything.
> When I use mutt in batch mode:
> cat ~/blah.txt | mutt -s "Test message"
> or:
> mutt -s "Test message" < ~/blah.txt
> Then it segfaults.

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