#3673: when $edit_headers is set, mutt mangles first-line URLs in the message
 Reporter:  balderdash  |      Owner:  mutt-dev
     Type:  defect      |     Status:  new
 Priority:  major       |  Milestone:
Component:  mutt        |    Version:  1.5.22
 Keywords:              |
 There is a bug in mutt, latest head, OSX 10.9.  (I suspect it's been
 around for ages, but I've only just now found semi-proof that it's a bug).

 To reproduce, make sure that edit_headers is set to "yes".

 Then compose a message, wherein the very first line after the last header
 shown in the editor is a web URL, like `http://www.mutt.org`.

 Quit the editor.  Now hit 'e' to bring it back up.  Notice that mutt has
 garbled the URL so that the first part is now `'http: //'` as opposed to

 Now hit 'q' to go back the compose menu.  Now hit return to view your text
 "attachment".  You'll see that mutt is displaying it as if it's empty.
 Probably this is because mutt is treating the `'http: '` as the name of a
 header and the remainder of the URL as the header content.

 (If you send this message to yourself and view it in mutt, you will appear
 to have a body-less message).

 Notice that if instead you start over with "set noedit_headers" in effect,
 there is no such bug.

 I'm guessing the source of the problem is mutt's converting

 `'http://www.mutt.org'` into

 `'http: //www.mutt.org'`.

 Once it's been (wrongfully) converted, mutt is behaving as it should.  The
 conversion's what needs to be fixed when $edit_headers is set.

 Possibly it would suffice to make mutt look for a space after the first
 colon.  Since `'http://www.mutt.org'` has no such space, mutt should not
 believe it to be a header and thus insert a space.  If you instead
 purposely make the first line after the real headers read "Attach: blah",
 then the space will tip mutt off that it's supposed to be a header.

 I bet this bug has been around forever, because I've sent colleagues
 messages starting with links and they reply that no URL was present.  This
 has happened too many times for it to just be me being forgetful!

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3673>
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