#3673: when $edit_headers is set, mutt mangles first-line URLs in the message
  Reporter:  balderdash  |      Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  defect      |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major       |  Milestone:
 Component:  mutt        |    Version:  1.5.22
Resolution:              |   Keywords:

Comment (by balderdash):

 In fact, experimentation reveals mutt already does some checking to
 see whether the first line (when no blank separating line was left in
 the editor) is "really" a header.

 Suppose that in my editor (with $edit_headers set), I see:

 To: a...@b.com
 From: m...@c.com
 Subject: blah
 Date: blah
 Dear Charles,

 One two three.

 Mutt knows that even though there's no separating blank, the "Dear
 Charles," is not a header, so mutt inserts a blank separating line
 once the editor is quit.

 Mutt even knows how to do this with *some* colon-containing lines:

 To: a...@b.com
 From: m...@c.com
 Subject: blah
 Date: blah
 Dear Charles: Hello

 One two three.

 Here mutt knows that "Dear Charles: Hello" is not a header, and mutt
 inserts a separating blank line once the editor is quit.  I am
 guessing that mutt knows this is not a header because of the space
 between "Dear" and "Charles".

 Mutt fails to be properly smart about:

 To: a...@b.com
 From: m...@c.com
 Subject: blah
 Date: blah

 One two three.

 And I am suggesting that all mutt need do is notice the lack of a
 space immediately following "http://";

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3673#comment:4>
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