#3756: Toggling headers [h] duplicates header and replaces menu
  Reporter:  Bat_Guano  |      Owner:  brendan
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
  Priority:  minor      |  Milestone:
 Component:  IMAP       |    Version:  1.5.23
Resolution:             |   Keywords:  menu header

Comment (by barsnick):

 Hi Bat_Guano,
 this sounds like display corruption by something in the content of that
 email, or its headers.

 Does pressing Ctrl+L clean it up?

 I know of other display corruptions (even in the index), but I believe
 it's presumed that the terminal settings are at fault.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3756#comment:4>
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