On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 21:53:58 -0400, Grady Martin wrote:
> Hello, all.  When index_format contains %F, it is confusing when 
> simple_search is unable to match what is being displayed.  How does 

%F in index_format is described in the manual as "author name, or
recipient name if the message is from you".

simple_search defaults to "~f %s | ~s %s".

So, assuming your simple_search is still the default, the only time it
normally wouldn't match what %F displays is if the message is from you. 
If you want to be able to search for the recipient as well, setting
simple_search to something like "~L %s | ~s %s" might do what you want.

If your current searches aren't matching the sender (i.e. you aren't
matching the text displayed by %F for messages sent my someone else),
then it sounds like your simple_search may not contain the default "~f"
component, or something....


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