On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 05:15:07AM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> In the Mutt manual:
>    foreground can optionally be prefixed with the keyword bright to make
>    the foreground color boldfaced (e.g., brightred).
> That's the way to do with xterm, where boldfaced mode is a way to get
> bright colors, but in GNOME Terminal, this does bold + bright colors.
> IMHO, one should just get bright colors in GNOME Terminal (without
> bold), or at least this should be configurable.

In xterm, there are resources that affect how bold and italics are
rendered on your terminal window.  The problem, AFAIK, is that the
gnome developers in their infinite wisdom decided to make
gnome-terminal use xterm-256color by default, give you no way to
change that (other than manually setting TERM somehow), and don't give
you any control over compatibility features (like the X resources).
Or at least, if they do, the means of it is as obtuse as my nephew.
[Actually TBH, gnome-terminal is much worse.]

I think the ideal is that 256-color terminals should emulate xterm's
colors 0-15 (or rather 0-8 with and without bold), and then do
whatever they want with the other 240 colors; i.e. gnome-terminal
should do that by default.  And at least in theory, if you can figure
out how to edit your terminal windows color palate, you can do that

BUT... for proper 256-color terminals, setting bright probably should
just enable bold (so that you can--I use that feature), and you should
tell Mutt explicity what color you want to use, i.e. color0-color255.
But good luck figuring out what colors those are.  In other words, I
think the current behavior is probably the best possible, although it
means you may have to spend a quantity of time that's longer than your
grandfather's stories monkeying with your terminal to get things they
way you want them.

[Disclaimer: I use gnome terminal, mostly because a long time ago, in
a galaxy far away, it was the best way to get multi-charset terminal
support, and when it was working more reasonably in xterm, I was too
lazy to reconfigure everything.  Again.  Oh also I filed a bug against
xterm in a now-long-outdated Fedora release and Red Hat closed it,
saying xterm was unsupported.  Yeah, that really happened.]

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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