On 2018-12-17 18:35:21 -0600, Derek Martin wrote:
> In xterm, there are resources that affect how bold and italics are
> rendered on your terminal window.  The problem, AFAIK, is that the
> gnome developers in their infinite wisdom decided to make
> gnome-terminal use xterm-256color by default, give you no way to
> change that (other than manually setting TERM somehow), and don't give
> you any control over compatibility features (like the X resources).

In gnome-terminal, all one can do is to choose whether the bold
attribute will enable bright colors or not, but the characters
will always be rendered as bold.

> I think the ideal is that 256-color terminals should emulate xterm's
> colors 0-15 (or rather 0-8 with and without bold), and then do
> whatever they want with the other 240 colors; i.e. gnome-terminal
> should do that by default.  And at least in theory, if you can figure
> out how to edit your terminal windows color palate, you can do that
> yourself.

This is OK at least with gnome-terminal, which has, among its
built-in palettes, one corresponding to xterm (but AFAIK, there
have been changes in xterm in the past, or perhaps changes
specific to Debian, in order to make colors more readable on
a black background, and I had also done some improvements via
X resources).

> BUT... for proper 256-color terminals, setting bright probably should
> just enable bold (so that you can--I use that feature), and you should
> tell Mutt explicity what color you want to use, i.e. color0-color255.

No, using colorx with x >= 8 is not very satisfactory as it will not
work with 8-color terminals (not sure if one can get rid of 8-color
terminals entirely). One should be able to use the same configuration
on all terminals with both "normal" and "bright" colors.

But now, I have a better idea, whose advantage is to preserve the
existing behavior: keep the current "bright" == bold attribute for
foreground colors, but introduce "light" as a new prefix: "light"
would do a "+ 8" when possible, and use the bold attribute when
COLORS < 16 (for foreground colors).

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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