On Sat, Mar 13, 1999, john manoogian III ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
| how can i have a send-hook -like function that will be called *after*
| i compose a message? i want to post-process a message after i compose
| it, but i couldn't find a function to do it, since send-hook happens
| before you compose the body. this would be analogous to a sending
| filter in pine, eg. the way pine handles pgp.

What I do is to change the $sendmail vars to point to a shell script,
which does the post-processing I want, and then itself invokes the
sendmail(8) program.

Eg, in my .muttrc I have:

 set sendmail="sendmail.startup -t -oi -oem"
 set sendmail_bounce="sendmail.startup -oi -oem"

and sendmail.startup looks something like:




 #  Make a copy of the email from stdin, for grep'ing and sed'ing, or
 #  whatever ...
 touch      $tfile1 $tfile2  # ensure that the temp
 chmod 0600 $tfile1 $tfile2  # files are private
 cat       >$tfile1

 ##  Post-process the outbound message ($tfile1) here; the result should
 ##  end up in $tfile2.

 #  And send the message off ...
 cat $tfile2 | $sendmail "$@"

 rm  $tfile1 $tfile2


It would be nice if mutt had a *real* send-hook (in addition to the
existing ill-named form), which could be specified on a per-message
basis, but I haven't implemented such a thing, since the post-processing
that I do is relatively limited, and easy enough to fob off to the

Perhaps such a strategy can be adapted to do what you want, without
too much difficulty ... perhaps not ...


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