On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 09:18:35AM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 1999-04-13 02:43:01 +0200, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> > It's a sendmail feature.
> > qmail, by default, has user-whatever, controlled by .qmail-files in
> > the user's homedir.
> For completeness' sake: Postfix supports both variants by making the
> separating character configurable.

The author of the Email Addressing FAQ solicits input about MTAs.
Postfix is not mentioned in the FAQ.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eli Pogonatus)

Summary: How to add and use submailboxes to your email address.

Archive-name: mail/addressing
Last-modified: (2 Jun 98 14:32:39)
URL: http://www.qz.to/~eli/faqs/addressing.html
Reason-for-last-modification: exim, qmail correction, trn4 update
Reason-for-previous-modification: MMDF updated, Pine updated

If you can add information PLEASE DO. This is Unix centric because I have
answers for Unix, not because I am trying to shun other platforms.

Linux 2.2.1

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