On Thu, May 06, 1999 at 10:13:48PM +0800, I wrote:

> I want to be able to step through the indexes of each of my
> mailboxes in order with a series of single keystrokes. For
> example, after viewing the index for one mailbox, instead of
> pressing c=<Tab><Tab>jjjjj, I just want to press I.

> I need to know how many j's it is to the next mailbox in the
> browser.

> What I did was try this macro:
> macro index I "c=<Tab><Tab>`JAY=j$JAY ; echo $JAY`"   
> I exported JAY through all my initialization files for my login
> and inter/active shells, but it still doesn't work.

David Thorburn-Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested:

>       JAY=`eval j$JAY` ; echo $JAY

For this I get the bash error, j is not found. But I don't think
this is going to work, because there needs to be some way of
passing back to the parent, the result of the computation in the

Stefan `Sec` Zehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> macro index I "c=<Tab><Tab>`echo -n j>>$HOME/.jay;cat $HOME/.jay`"    

This does not seem to be incrementing in .jay. I think probably
these shell commands are only executed when .muttrc is sourced. I
tried replacing the back quotes with the shell escape (!) and 
I think this then incremented in .jay. But the
cat command did not then work. The browser screen just flashes
and is redrawn, but the reverse video bar does not step down the
screen. And this is strange, because echo $JAY does work. That
is, it steps the reverse video bar down the screen. 

I got somewhat confused here, so this above description is not
an accurate account of the efforts I have made to get this thing
working. I think I need more knowledge of how mutt passes
commands and handles standard output. Is this something mutt
can't do?  

Greg Matheson
Chinmin College, Taiwan

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