On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 08:59:17AM -0400, David Thorburn-Gundlach wrote:

> ...and then Stefan `Sec` Zehl said...
> % 
> % #!/bin/sh
> % echo j>>$HOME/.jay
> % cat $HOME/.jay| tr -d \\012

> Couldn't you simply 

>   #!/bin/sh
>   echo -n j >> $HOME/.jay

I found indeed having this in .typescript instead:

echo -n j >> $HOME/.jay
cat $HOME/.jay

that it does work. Perhaps he introduced the \012 trickery,
working with the problem of mutt needing a complete line for a
command substitution. This is the reason for the echo at the end,
I think. Thanks again for the help.

Greg Matheson 
Chinmin College, Taiwan

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