Quoting...  Lars Hecking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi All
> >     Ive been using MUtt for several weeks now and I like it.
> > The only drawback is not being able to veiw urls (jump to with lynx)
> > I downloaded the url veiw but cant seem to get it to reconise in Mutt
> > Ive tried to add the path of urlveiw in the .muttrc but it dosnt seem to work.
> > can anyone give me some ideas or understandable-clear-- docs ;-)
> > so I can get it working.
> $ cat ${HOME}/.urlview
> COMMAND lynx '%s'
> $

Ok Im not sure if mine is rite. In my ~/home/dir I have the urlview-0.7
dir inside that is the ./urlview
I do not have ./urlview in my /home/dir
from the urlview dir Ive done  ./configure make make install
apparently it places the system executables in /usr/bin -- or similiar

here is a portion of my muttrc (this is the only reference to urlview)

# calling the webbrowser through use of urlview:
   macro index \cb "|urlview\n"
# the config file of urlview is ~/.urlview and has the line:
# REGEXP ((((ht|f)tp)|mailto):(//)?[^ >"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t>">]
# COMMAND=screen lynx "%s"
ctrl + b  = scrolling back to the top of the message
trying to view a url it will say "already at top of message"
the INSTALL file for urlview says "run ./configure run make" thats it!
the README (even less informative....)

urlview 0.7


`urlview' is a curses program for extracting URLs from text files and
displaying a menu from which you can select a specific URL to view using
your favorite browser program.

Requires: working regcomp() or GNU rx.

Michael Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
February 4, 1997
not very useful
hence ---> my problem ;-)
>  The global Muttrc file has these entries:
> # simluate the old url menu
> macro index \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'
> macro pager \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'
>  so "control-b" in the message index and pager will run urlview. If the
>  selected message contains any URL's, you are presented with a list;
>  the URL you want to view can be selected with the arrow keys (and j, k).
> > also-- what the proper line wrap for messages here? 80? without being stupid
> > what is the line for this in the rc file? thanks
>  80. I don't think the builtin editor can be configured to wrap lines
>  automatically. If you're not using the builtin editor, check the manual
>  for your editor.

Ok Im using vim (I think thats the default editor)
My Golbal vim line width is 80 characters it seems to increce in mutt, adding the 
little red+ 
hence ---> my question

thanks for the input and welcome any tips to get me going

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