
I connect to my Linux box from home with Data Fellow's SSH2 client for
Win9x, and it too has an option to display ANSI colors.  I also had
trouble displaying color Mutt, until I tried this:

Once you connect, try 

export TERM


You might get a few characters displaying oddly (such as the thread
indicators), but colors come through well (at least for me).  

If it works for you, you can set add these lines to your .bashrc or
/etc/profile, etcetera.  It will detect when you're connecting on a
pseudo-tty, and adjust the terminal type accordingly.  Your mileage
may vary.


case "$V_TERMINAL" in
         /dev/ttyp*) TERM="rxvt";;
                  *) TERM="linux";;

export TERM

Good luck!

-- Don

On Tue, May 18, 1999 at 03:19:54PM -0400, Mark D. Scudder wrote:
  ...I connect to my Linux box using SecureCRT (an ssh client for
  Win95) and if I set up as VT100 with "ANSI Color" on, I can see color
  objects such as Linux's directory colors.  But Mutt doesn't work.
  I tried creating the term files like it says in the FAQ but it's obvious
  they're made for an xterm window and not a terminal emulator.  However,
  I'd like to think that if Linux itself can do color, so can Mutt.

Don S. Rogers  .  Department Computing Coordinator
Brown University  .  Sociology  .  Population Studies
Social Science Research Lab  .
phone 401.863.2550  .  fax 401.863.3213

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