On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 07:27:34AM -0700, Dav Coleman wrote:
> I figured out how to get signing working with pgp6. The main problem
> was that pgp5 apparently came with executables named pgps, pgpe, pgpk
> and so on. My rpm of PGP 6.5.1 only provided one executable, 'pgp',
> and the idea is to use different switches (-s -k, etc).

There's a pgp executable that gets called by pgps, pgpe,...links.
It don't understand why the syntax was ever changed from the original

> So, I created a script file in /usr/bin named pgps which simply calls
> 'pgp -s $*' ...voila, I can sign messages now.

Sounds good.

> I tried the same trick with pgpe => pgp -e $* but my pgp does not like
> one of the switches mutt is throwing it. I'll try to work that out today
> and post an answer to the mailing list.

Hope you do. I still don't know what 6.5.1 offers that 5.0i doesn't

> One thing to note: I set up the following in .procmailrc:
> #~/.procmailrc
> LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/procmail.log
> :0:
> * ^TOgtk-app-devel
> gtk-app-devel
> :0:
> * ^TOiluvspam
> spam-bucket
> Since this defines DEFAULT as /home/dav/inbox, I had to change muttrc
> to look for new mail there instead of the default /var/spool/mail/dav

It took me more than once, and I'm not sure what I did differently
to make it start working. My .procmailrc is:

# verbose mode on until debugged

## From Mutt's PGP-Notes.txt
## Section to enable decryption/sig-check of old-style PGP messages.

* !^Content-Type: message/
* !^Content-Type: multipart/
* !^Content-Type: application/pgp
        :0 fBw
        * ^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
        * ^-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
        | formail \
            -i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=encrypt"

        :0 fBw
        * ^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
        * ^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
        * ^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
        | formail \
           -i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=sign"

* ^Subject.*make money


Is there any special reason you changed the default directory? It
seems to work fine with the original /var/spool/mail/rex


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